How To Protect The Future Of Bowhunting


Every hunting license we buy contributes to State Wildlife Agencies and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Additionally, when you buy hunting equipment, a part of the money goes to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The funds are used for habitat restoration, hunter education, wildlife research, public-access programs and other high-priority national conservation projects.

Consider getting involved and actively doing your part to contribute to the future of bowhunting in America.

Mentor Someone New

Mentor a new hunter and share your skills and advice. Photo Credit: Bowhunters United

If you’re passionate about bowhunting and practice safe, legal tactics, you can introduce others to the sport by becoming a mentor. Taking new people bowhunting is a fun, rewarding and sustainable way to keep hunting relevant. Plus, you’re creating the next generation of bowhunters who can keep the tradition alive. State Wild life and Fish & Game Departments hold hunts for youth as well as for pepple who have never hunted.

Volunteer For Habitat Work

If you care about the future of hunting, you can make a difference through hands-on habitat work. Volunteer to clean up public lands, plant native species, remove invasive species or work on other outdoor-related improvement projects, like wetland restoration or prescribed burns. Connect with your state wildlife agency or conservation organizations and learn about nearby opportunities.

Participate in a Conservation Fundraiser

If you want to get something in return when you give, look for a fundraiser that gives the proceeds to conservation programs or projects. For example, the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) hosts numerous Conservation Cup Golf Scrambles across the country. People pay to play, and the funds funnel into habitat restoration projects. Look for similar opportunities, including State sponsored fun runs and food fundraisers that benefit the outdoors.

Help a Child

Encourage the next generation of hunters. Photo Credit: Bowhunters United

Children rely on adults to make decisions and buy hunting-related items. If you know a child who comes from a nonhunting background but is interested in hunting, offer to sponsor or help them. Give the guardian funds or pay for the child’s hunter safety course, hunting clothes, license or  hunting equipment. Alternatively, many State Wildlife Agencies, like the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, allow people to sponsor a child interested in attending the department’s Conservation Camps and other events. Look for these opportunities near you.

Attend a Wildlife Organization Banquet

Conservation organizations like State Bowhunting & Archery Associations, the NWTF, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation or National Deer Alliance have annual events and banquets. Proceeds from ticket sales, raffles and auction items are put toward hunting and conservation efforts. Attend these events for a fun evening or weekend outting while supporting your favorite pastime.

Buy a Wildlife License Plate

Many states allow residents to buy a special license plate that supports hunting and conservation. In Georgia, for example, there are six Georgia Department of Natural Resources license plates. Regular license plates cost $20, and the special GDNR plates cost $25 extra. According to the website, 80% of that $25 goes directly to wildlife programs.

Share Your Bowhunting Story — Potentially Recruit Someone New

Stories have the power to shape how someone views bowhunting. You could share how you started bowhunting, a memory from a favorite hunt, a start-to-finish tale of adventure or a short glimpse into your life as a hunter.

Attend Public Meetings and Hearings

Meetings and public hearings are hosted by States and local representatives to voice your concerns and support for regulations and policies that affect wildlife, hunting and bowhunting.

Write to Your State Representatives on Important Issues

You can also share your thoughts by writing letters or Emailing to state and federal lawmakers. Help them understand where individual hunters stand on important outdoor-related issues or proposed legislation. Then, encourage them to take action or vote favorably on behalf of hunters.

Positively Represent Hunting

Only 4% of the American population hunts, meaning the other 96% actively or casually watch, analyze and critique what hunters do at home and in the field. Represent hunting positively when you are Online and in person.

Abide by Hunting Rules and Be Courteous

Set a good example by hunting ethically and following all hunting rules and regulations. Photo Credit: John Hafner

Poachers put the majority of hunters in a negative light. Always follow all hunting rules and regulations and do your part to ensure the public sees hunters acting responsibly. Be be mindful of the impression you leave with others. It will impact the future of hunting.

Support Other Hunters

Whether someone hunts with a gun or a bow or one time or hundreds times, they’re still a hunter. As long as other people participate legally, acknowledge and support them. We’re all in this together.

Educate Nonhunters

You might know how hunters give back to — and get involved with — conservation, but your nonhunting peers might not. Spark a conversation and share all the ways hunting is good for wildlife and the environment.

Encourage Nonhunters to Support Hunting

Don’t stop there. After informing nonhunters about hunting’s benefits, ask and encourage them to support hunting. We need their support, approval and votes from the nonhunting community if we want to continue hunting.

The more you do to protect hunting (and its traditions), the more likely these opportunities will exist for future generations.

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